"California, God is Raising Up 
in You Oaks of Righteousness!"
Christianna Schreifels, 
Big Bear Valley, California
posted July 2019

This is a word for California based off of a series 
of 3 dreams I had within a period of a year and a 
half. It is my hope that in reading this you are 
encouraged, and that God uses this to confirm the 
things many have been told by the Lord regarding 

In November of 2017, we had just moved to a mountain region in Southern California. It was the week before Thanksgiving that we had moved into our new home and I began to have significant dreams, some of which were of California.

Part 1: The Shaking Will Begin Now
On Tuesday, December 5, 2017, I had a very vivid dream. I was awakened from a deep, peaceful sleep by a jolt that had the sound of thunder with it. My house shook and so did my bed. It felt as if someone was standing at the foot of my bed shaking it to wake me up. Upon awakening, I saw a flash of light, and it seemed like we had just experienced an earthquake. I immediately heard these words loudly in my spirit: "I am in the mountain. The shaking will now begin." I literally trembled because I could feel the holy presence of the Lord in my room and I could not move.

In that moment I was awestruck by the Lord. I remember well that it took me awhile to feel "unfrozen" enough to get up and sit in my bed. I knew the Lord had just spoken. I began to pray. I began to weep deeply over the realization that He would even speak to me. I felt deeply humbled.

As I began to pray for deeper understanding and wisdom that early morning, the Lord led me to the Scripture in Hebrews 12:26-29: "At that time His voice shook the earth, but now He has promised, 'Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.' The words, 'once more' indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our 'God is a consuming fire.'"

This Scripture is just what I experienced that night, and since then, I have been forever changed. I'm deeply grateful to the Lord as my faith has increased because of it. I hope yours does too! I sat before the Lord over the next few weeks following my dream, and I journaled what I sensed the Lord was saying. This Scripture above is taken from chapter 12 in Hebrews, and in Hebrew, the number 12 means divine rule. It symbolizes God's power and authority, as well as serving as a perfect governmental foundation.

Here's what I heard the Lord say to us: "There will be an increase in earthquakes in Southern California and throughout the earth. The shaking has come to the governments internationally, nationally and regionally."

Now I'm focusing on California and God's people in California. This is for us: We are being called to pray over the government systems, the government leaders, our churches, and to get our homes in order.
California is a leading state for the nation and world in terms of setting trends and movies that originate here go out to influence the world. We are to decree what the Word of God says. We are to decree that righteousness prevail in the land. We are being called to repent on behalf of our government here. We are to cry out for our relationships and our affairs in business to be made straight. The Lord is answering prayers for our minds to be healed and the crooked paths to become straight.

We are to be mindful that we are not of this world. I sensed the Holy Spirit placing a heart of repentance upon His people so that the next generation is not lost. I saw the childless becoming parents to the fatherless and the motherless.

The Lord is saying that we are 'way makers,' not ones that lead astray. He says, "My people will have voices that rise up, becoming so loud in the land, that the earth shakes as justice reigns down."
This spiritual shaking will go to the very foundations by which we believe in and stand upon. If they are faulty, they will be shaken so that they can be rebuilt correctly, meaning, we will be challenged in the areas that are not founded on the Rock, which in Scripture is Christ our Savior. Mindsets and attitudes that have become strongholds which rise up against the knowledge of Christ will be shaken, and even things that are hidden will be revealed. Secrets in relationships will be brought to light. Governments, businesses, secular and nonsecular, will be shaken.

Then I heard the word, "unearthed." Even deeply-buried, physical artifacts of antiquity within the earth will be revealed to serve God's glory and purpose, proving Scripture to the skeptics.
This Scripture came to mind during my prayer time regarding why God is allowing the increase in shaking. He has given many of us this Scripture as a promise. Hang onto it.

Isaiah 45:2-3, "I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."
One last thing that was key to increasing my faith was when I searched the California government website to see if we had an earthquake, and I found out that we did. But what was even more amazing, is the fact that the epicenter for the earthquake was where we live. I just cried. Thank You, Lord. You are so loving. You are worthy to be to be praised.

Part 2: California Gone Red and the Love State!
On January 3, 2018, I had another vivid dream regarding California. This lucid dream was literally part one of 2 dreams regarding a virtual map of California. During this time in the state of California, many Christians were interceding regarding the then upcoming election. This is what I saw and heard:

In my dream I saw the state of California right in front of me as if I was awake. It was a map, a virtual one. This map of California was enormous. I tried to visually measure it while in my dream, and found out it was approximately 3 feet wide by 7 feet long.
One thing I distinctly remembered—the state of California was outlined boldly in black. This map was clear otherwise. No topography or color was present inside of it. It was clear like glass, as I was able to look right through it and see the items in my room behind it.

Then I saw a deep, bright red color being poured out from Heaven above onto this map. The point where the red started pouring out was very specific. What I thought was paint, was being dropped onto an area in Northern California first. It was right in the middle of the western and eastern borders of California and close to the northern border of California, near Oregon.

Then the red color ran south and out toward the eastern, western and northern edges, filling the state of California completely—right up to the bold, black outline of the map defining California. The whole of the map became covered in this red paint. As I continued praying, I realized that the red was symbolic of the Blood of the Lamb. The land was fully saturated and covered in it. I then heard the Holy Spirit say, "California has gone red by the Blood of the Lamb. I hear My people's prayers."

I woke up and wrote this down and wept as I felt the Lord's great mercy for the land and the people. I sensed the Lord is presently covering California with the Blood of Christ as we continue to cry out to Him about what concerns us here and in our nation. He is covering us and He is not daunted nor surprised.

The word "love" kept coming to mind as I saw the red flowing like a river throughout California.
This Scripture is for us as we intercede for our land, wherever we are. 1 Peter 4:8 says, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
I believe we as God's people are to choose love above all else. Love is kind, love is also merciful, love is just and there is no fear. We are to choose love more than ever in this season and God is saying that we will become good at it. The Bride is being perfected globally in this season, folks.

I also felt impressed by the Lord that the people of California, who are in Christ, are going to be an example to the world, and the influences that come out of this place will be redeemed. The industries here are also being covered in the Blood of the Lamb. Wow! That implies so much. So let's continue to pray.

The Holy Spirit is reminding us that love is kind, merciful, unified in purpose, just and has no fear. We are, right now, learning to choose each other and live in unity. There are some of you who can say that this word is a confirmation of what you have already heard.

Can't You Talk Louder, God?
We are to overlook offenses, correct in love, and restore. Praise Jesus for what the Holy Spirit is doing in us in this time. I was also admonished that my confidence is in the Lord, not in myself. Yes, Lord! I repented. God is compassionate toward us.
1 John 4:18, "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

We are not to fear what we are seeing in the land, so let's keep on interceding and do what the Lord is directing us to do. We are growing in our faith and becoming like the book of Acts—the Church as a whole, not just in California. The Lord is calling us into account to live out our faith. We are not on our own or of our own. We have help. We can rejoice in this.
Another thing I'd like to share is this: During the time I was given these dreams that I've shared, my family and I experienced tremendous spiritual warfare. I was encouraged by the Holy Spirit to press on and not have fear. I repented of fear because there were instances where there were bold confrontations from the enemy. Be encouraged. Others before us, our fathers in the faith, have too gone through similar things as us. But Jesus! Right? Amen.

Let's keep our eyes on Him. No matter the circumstances, keep interceding and decreeing over California or your region as the Holy Spirit leads you.

Decrees Over California
We decreed that the drought is over and that it will rain and snow as it hasn't in ages. God is faithful and the drought is over. Praise Jesus!
The lakes in our region were incredibly low and many had dried up throughout California. I was lead to read Scripture over the land and the whole of California, not knowing what God was doing. But by God's gracious design and assignment, being faithful to His Word and true to His purpose and promises in the lives of His people, the lake is now almost full! The dry lake beds are filled once again.
I continue to pray for godly leaders to rise up, so please stand in agreement with me. Remember that there are many who are praying and decreeing over California the very same things. It's not just one. We are of one accord in Christ. I am decreeing for God's will to be done.

Be encouraged, remain faithful in the little. Do what the Father is directing you to do. Trust Him. It is God who does it, He simply asks us to pray. Stand your ground in your region. I humbly encourage you to remain humble and sober-minded, because we are sinners saved by His great grace, standing on His Word and trusting Him to bring about His purpose, giving Him the glory He so deserves. We are in the season where great exploits will be done by Him through His children so that the world will look to the Lord as their Savior.

This word is to encourage us to pray for our regions and countries. Remember, we are being covered by the Blood of the Lamb and our land is too. Praise be to God!

Part 3: Oaks of Righteousness Are Rising
On January 12, 2019, I had another dream. It's part two of the dream I just had the year before. The same virtual map of California appeared before me again. The land was still covered in the Blood of the Lamb and boldly outlined in black, except this time, as I was observing what was before me, I heard the Lord say, "Look closely at the land."
It was as if I was carried over the land by the Spirit of the Lord to study it, and I intently studied the land below—meaning the soil—close up. I saw that where the red flowed, it seeped down deeply into the ground. Like rain soaks the earth, so was the earth soaked in the Blood of the Lamb.

I saw again that the flow began in the central/northern part of California and flowed throughout until the whole of it was covered. As the Blood of Christ touched the land, I saw little lights touch the ground then disappear.

The Holy Spirit prompted me to see a deeper perspective of what I was looking at so I went from a macro view to a micro view. A macro view is seeing something on a large scale, an overall picture, which was what I saw in the last dream of California. In this dream, I was asked to observe from a micro perspective—to observe what was happening in detail across the land. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Up close I saw very bright, very small flickering lights, like the size of the flicker of a firefly. As the Blood of the Lamb touched the land, these little lights went into the ground and disappeared. Then the Lord said, "The little lights are seeds of light that were carried there by My Blood, the Blood of the Lamb. I am their source of nourishment and purpose for these seeds. The soil covered them as they were planted. I planted them."

As soon as the red seeped into the ground, the light was covered by the soil. In just moments, I saw root systems grow quickly from the light seed. I saw little trees growing up fast everywhere, in various sizes, too. These nascent trees grew rapidly. They grew into oak trees, large and strong.

I heard the Holy Spirit say, "My oaks of righteousness are rising in the land."

There were hundreds of thousands of these "oaks of righteousness," if not millions. I could not count as I was taken up higher to see the whole state of California from above. I could not count them. I also saw parts of the land in California where no trees grew but the land was still covered by the red. The last thing I saw was when the ground trembled at times, pieces of soil would leap, but the trees remained unmoved in the ground.
In this dream, I sensed so much joy, and purpose. There was no fear throughout the land for the oaks. I woke up and began to write what I heard the Holy Spirit impress upon my spirit regarding my dream:

We've entered a time period where our faith has been strengthened as it has withstood many seasons and shakings. We will grow to our capacity. We have been placed strategically throughout the land. We are oaks of righteousness. God is rapidly allowing us to rise in purpose as our roots are grounded deeply in the source of life—Christ! We are covered in the Blood of the Lamb. We are God's glory carriers, hence the light source of each seed that was planted is our heavenly Father. We are living in the knowledge of who we are and Who our source of provision and purpose is.

An oak tree knows its Creator and doesn't have the ability to wonder about its purpose or source, it simply knows it. So it is for us, as what we do and are doing is becoming clear. We are rising to the occasion as a source of shade and sustenance, offering hope. The shade covering we have will be sought out because we offer hope. Many will wonder why we are flourishing in such times. I sense the Lord is calling us to be a "home" to many in our midst. I believe this is significant for the many fatherless and motherless children and the homeless in our land.

Another thing which was pointed out to me was that there were no other types of trees standing. There were only oak trees throughout the land. We will withstand the shakings of the earth and the storms and remain steadfast in the face of adversity. There will be a protection that is being provided supernaturally from the Lord as we grow. We will be bold and many will gain the favor of God and man in these days to fulfill the purpose that the Lord has established in us.

California will be an example to the world. It will be an encouragement to our nation. Even now, many "oaks" are rising throughout California and our nation.
Another revelation I sensed about my dream is this: the Holy Spirit is implying that His people who reside here (California) will make California a positive example to the world. There will be the "negative," but we are to rise and counter it in Jesus name. Amen, Lord!

The Oak Trees of California
I read about the oak tree of California, and here is some info that helped me understand it better.
These oak trees are native to California. Some are over 1,000 years old. Oak trees are symbolic of a food source because of the acorns they produce. They can grow to over 75 feet high and their canopy can be as wide as 150 feet wide. Due to them being so plentiful in California, the wood of the oak trees has been used to make homes. Oak trees are protected under California state law. Oak trees are not allowed to be cut down or removed from the land. They have been noted to withstand wind storms, floods, rain storms and earthquakes.
Isaiah 61:1-3 is our Scripture, California: "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners; to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn, to grant those who mourn in Zion, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting. So they will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified."
I hope you are encouraged. God Bless you as you pray and decree God's plans over California! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Christianna Schreifels
His Dwelling Place
Email: hisdwellingplace@yahoo.com

 ♥️ Love Pris 