Nothing I Cannot Do!

"Time and again I come to remind 
you that I am THE LORD MOST 
HIGH! There is nothing I cannot do.
 TRUST ME in this, that I LOVE 
YOU, and will never abandon you! 
I am the I AM, and I live inside 
you! Don't give up on ME doing all 
I've said, because you are about to see with your eyes, great surprises loosed! Stand firm on those promises when the enemy comes to convince you that you are disqualified and unworthy.

I AM THE ONE WHO MAKES YOU WORTHY. MY BLOOD SPILLED FOR YOU HAS MADE YOU WORTHY DESPITE ANY FAULTS YOU HAVE MADE, SINS COMMITTED. IF YOU GIVE THEM ALL TO ME, THEN THEY ARE FORGIVEN RIGHT? SO DO NOT GIVE IN TO CONDEMNATION! THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION FOR YOU IN CHRIST. You are my workmanship, and I KNOW your heart. I know those who are sincerely wanting holiness and freedom from compulsions and addictions vs those whose minds never consider Me. I told you I was bigger than your heart right? So cling to ME, and rebuke the devil. Lean into MY LOVE and you will find I am here waiting for you. I love you forever, and MY Tenderness is waiting to hold you."

Holy Spirit thru Priscilla Van Sutphin