Direct Hit
   "Deflated encumbrances come even 
as...Destruction comes on the wings 
of the winds. Disturbances of many 
kinds are being devised to cause 
turbulance & chaos. Uncovering will 
bring much pain to the hearers that have 
been blinded & hoodwinked into deception. 
Confusion reigns over the hearts of many 
due to all the deception at the top of the 
rungs of power & politics.

People have lost all integrity in many circles. Lying is common & laughed at. I have a light I will shine on all this that will outshine & overcome all the nonsense & darkness. People will be startled into submission, because they will never have seen what their eyes will behold. Behold Your Lord comes quickly on the wings of the winds. He is robed in Majesty & HIS GLORY fills the earth. Angels of mercy & truth bend their wings to the call of Adonai so that the gospel truth is carried to all the ends of the earth. Dreams & Visions fill the minds of the lost, who have never known the depths of His love & grace. Multitudes in the Valley of Decision.

Punitive measures will be undertaken for the wicked who have purposed to murder those they see as “useless eaters” or obstructive to their plans. Whoever escapes these consequences will be dealt with by My own hand. Treasures hidden in darkness will be released from their captivity. For many have been trapped in prison houses, and they will be released. Appearances of angels will be commonplace, not rare. Many households will be saved due to children seeing in the spirit these angels & the Lord Himself.

The FIRE of God will be SEEN upon you. Do you understand that? Because many of you have underestimated what I will do. What’s happening now in some places, is only the beginning, a TRICKLE of what I am bringing. So fasten your seat belts beloveds, for this will be a GLORIOUS UNFOLDING as the song says!!! Just your presence will make people cough out demons.

You’ll be standing in line or sitting at a coffee shop and people will be convicted like they were when Smith Wigglesworth was alive. Just your shadow falling on some will bring healing, sudden outpouring of glory that captures the hearts of those around you. My suddenlies are soon upon you so keep in communion with Me, till I burst & explode upon the scene! I AM BRINGING MY DIVINE JUSTICE & RETRIBUTION. MY KINGDOM IS THE ONE WITH NO END. MY KINGDOM IS THE ONE THAT WILL BE LIFTED UP ACROSS THE EARTH. NOONE WILL BE UNTOUCHED IN THE COMING GLORY DAYS. There will be no excuse for those who refuse My love. So do not waver in your affections. This world is passing away but My Truth will never die.

​Holy Spirit through Priscilla Van Sutphin