Lone Ranger and Tonto
July 7th, 2006
Priscilla Van Sutphin

The Lord spoke “ Lone Ranger and Tonto” and I looked it up, well knowing
about this show, cause I grew up with it and used to watch it as a child.
what came next to my mind was how Tonto would say kemosabe, so I looked 
it up and found…

Is Kemosabe a real word? What does it really mean?
Kemosabe (or any of the other various spellings) *is* a real word. It's from the language of the Potowatomie Indians. The Potowatomie Indians lived in and around Michigan. (The Lone Ranger originated at WXYZ in Detroit.) One of the shows' producers, Jim Jewell, had a father-in-law who ran a boy's camp named "Camp Kee-mo-sah-bee."  Kemosabe means "faithful friend" or "trusty scout."

The Lord then began to speak…as I asked Him what He wanted to say about it…
“ There is a term that many pastors and prophets use that is an offense to Me.  They call many of My prophets “lone rangers”.  They do this because they can’t conceive of a God who would set anyone apart from the structure of the church.  They also do this to “label” those they consider unworthy of My love.  But you all are unworthy of My love.  There is noone who hasn’t fallen short of My glory.

There is no one who has it “all together” as you say, enough to be “holy” standing on their own efforts.  There is no one who can do ANYTHING apart from ME.  Yes, I want My church to be one. Yes I want My church to have a body that flows and works together. But I have always had “SET APART ONES”.  And you will find that the more like ME you become, the more  ALONE you get !

They have summarily dismissed such people as fakes, frauds, charlatans, unworthy servants.  Granted there are plenty who are mixed up and "out there" as you say.  But many have been maligned who were just wounded so they became deceived, discouraged and off base because no one took the time to talk to them even.  No one wanted to be their friend.

Well, I am the TONTO of the “lone rangers”.  I am their Beloved Friend.  I walk beside them, even if they are out of YOUR ORDER.  I walk beside the ones who are in love with ME, no matter how far away they walk.  I am ever loving those who are wounded and rejected until they really know and experience and learn the fullness of MY LOVE.  So many of you have labeled those without any compassion, and without really WANTING to work with them enough, and loving them enough to love them BACK into relationship with others.  So I have taken them by MY SIDE.  I AM the LOVER of their soul, and I WILL bring them into correction MY WAY.  I will love them into repentance and I will restore to them their dignity that you stole from them when you cursed them and prayed witchcraft prayers against them, out of your pride and ignorance.

I am not an EXCLUSIVE GOD !  I am inclusive.  I love the jerk.  I love the ugly.  I love the discarded; the flotsam and jetsom of society.  What you are not able to understand, I AM ABLE.  And if you had PRAYED for them, the way you pray for your children and loved ones, then I would have given you the wisdom for how to love them into healing and restoration.  But I also have used your rejection to test them and to try them in the fires of persecution to make them stronger.  Not because you should have acted that way, but in spite of your lack of love.

I have loved them.
I have trained them.
I have healed them little by little.
But NOW, I will suddenly come to them and RESTORE all that has been stolen. NOW I will set them straight and remove any deceptions and abandonment they have felt.  I will RESTORE THEIR SOULS and you will see a MIGHTY REMNANT coming out of this generation that will walk in love and compassion.   They will know what it is to be rejected and wounded in the house of their friends, so they can be life and restoration to others.

I urge you oh sons of men to no longer aim your swords at one another any longer, but instead to aim it at the enemy.  Your brother is NOT YOUR ENEMY !  Though he acts it.  It is what has hold of him who is the true enemy !  So pray for those that are caught up in PRIDE and ARROGANCE, greed and extortion, perversion and hatred, witchcraft and rebellion. PRAY when you feel disgusted. PRAY when you feel angry.  PRAY when you feel you can no longer stand one more word coming out of their mouths.  Turn off the TV and PRAY.  AND WATCH WHAT I WILL DO if even 10 will pray for the one !

Unity of prayer and COMPASSION, My compassion, if you will but ask for it, will change the face of this generation rapidly !  CRY OUT FOR RESTORATION of the TRUE FOUNDATION which is in the CROSS.
CRY OUT for My Holy Spirit to explode inside of your hearts with His love and merciful kindness.  CRY OUT for the churched to CAST OFF TRADITIONS of men… CRY OUT FOR REVELATION of MY WAY TO DO CHURCH to be given them !  For I am bringing down the WALL OF TRADITIONS OF MEN.  I AM going to utterly RIP it out of My TRUE CHURCH.  Those who refuse My glory will fall away. But those who RECEIVE it, will go on to further glory !    Rise and shine for your LIGHT has come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon you.  Great darkness is filling the earth, but MY GLORY will arise upon you.  You will be CHANGED and nothing
will ever be the same again !  

Do you love Me enough to cast off your desire for position ?  Do you love Me enough to abandon TITLES ?  Do you love ME enough to ALLOW ME to take control of your gatherings ?  Do you love ME enough to sell all you have and take up MY cross and WALK WITH ME ?   Do you love ME enough to LAY YOUR PLAN for your life, YOUR WILL, YOUR WANTS, YOUR anything so that I can fill you with ME ?   Will you PRAY ?  WILL YOU WORSHIP ME instead of watching TV ?  Will you intercede with MY HEART, and MY WILL instead of your own ?  Will you lay down YOUR PLANS ? WILL YOU ?  WILL you REALLY give everything you have for ME ?

Come to ME and let us reason together.  Come away and walk and talk with ME, and let ME show you MY PLAN, My blueprint for your life.  For it is My aim to fulfill it.  What is your aim ?”