The following excerpts are taken from a book called "The Dunces of Doomsday" by Paul L. Williams.

  The actual book has footnotes all the way through the text from 51 different resources but the numbers have been removed to avoid confusion.  If you would like to see the book for yourself  it can be purchased at

Pages 42-53 will be sent in four sections to make easier to read.  Some of the material is disgusting and shocking but we need to know that this is not a "Religion of Peace"

Pg 42-46


Who was Muhammad? What were his teachings? And why does Islam pose a threat to world peace and stability? These questions cry out for answers that few American political leaders, directors of intelligence agencies, high-ranking military officials, and ivy-league academics have the intestinal fortitude to provide.

Muhammad was born in Mecca (in what is now Saudi Arabia) circa AD 570. His father, Aduna_, was a leading member of the powerful Quraish tribe, but he died several months before the birth of the Prophet. Muhammad was named by his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib. Upon hearing of his son's death, the grandfather went to his daughter in-law's house, took the baby in his arms, and called him Muhammad, which means "the Praised One."

As was the custom of the Quraish, Amina, Muhammad's mother,

gave her baby to a woman from one of the Bedouin tribes so that he could be nursed in the open air of the desert.  When he was finally weaned at the advanced age of six, Muhammad was returned to his mother, who took him to Medina. She died during the return trip to Mecca. The young Muhammad now came under the care of his seventy-six-year-old grandfather, who died two years later. The boy finally lived 'with his uncle, Abu Talib.

Nothing seemed to be remarkable about Muhammad's early life. He received no schooling and could not read or write. In his later years he was obliged to use an amanuensis to record his teachings. .

The Quraish tribe to which Muhammad belonged was responsible for guarding the Kaaba and the sacred black stone of the Arabs. The Kaaba now stands in the center of a great portico-the Masjid al-Haram, or the Great Mosque-in the center of Mecca. This mosque was rebuilt in the 1960s by Mohammad bin Laden, father of Osama. The Kaaba was constructed as a cube measuring thirty-five feet wide and fifty feet high. In its southeast corner, five feet from the ground and just right for kissing, is the precious black stone. The stone is not actually black but rather dark red. It is oval in shape and about seven inches in diameter. One of the only kafirs (nonbelievers) known to have seen it was the great adventurer Sir Richard Burton, who entered the holy city in Muslim disguise. Burton accomplished this feat without being hacked to pieces because he spoke flawless Arabian and was well versed in the Koran and Islamic customs and traditions.

According to Arabian tradition, the black stone fell from heaven at the time of Adam-a good indication that it is a meteorite. Muslims believe that the Hebrew prophet Abraham, on a pilgrimage to Mecca with his son Ishmael, built the Kaaba to enclose the stone.

Allah, The Moon God

Within the Kaaba in pre-Muslim time were idols of more than 360 tribal gods. One such god was Hubal, the fertility god of the moon. His image, the crescent moon, was placed on the roof of the Kaaba. Three other tribal gods were Hubal's daughters-al-Uzza, Manah, and al-Lat. One can establish the antiquity of the Arab pantheon by the fact that the Greek historian Herodotus mentions al-Lat as a major Arabian deity.  Hubal was also called al-ilah, meaning "the god." Al-ilah later was shortened to Allah. The Sura contains stories of Meccans praying to Allah while standing before the image of Hubal.

Before Muhammad's birth, his tribe paved the way for monotheism by worshiping Allah as the chief god and by wearing symbols of the crescent moon. Allah came to be viewed as the lord of the sky and the soil to whom tribesmen were obliged to pay a tithe of their crops and to sacrifice the firstborn of their herds. The Quraish worshiped Allah by praying toward Mecca several times a day, making an annual pilgrimage to the Kaaba and walking around the sacred stone seven times, and giving alms to the poor. These practices were in effect long before Muhammad was born.

As the alleged descendants of Abraham and Ishmael, the Quraish were the custodians of the Kaaba. They appointed the priests of the shrine and managed its revenues. No tribe was richer or more powerful.

The Wealthy Widow

But the young Muhammad was neither rich nor powerful. He worked as a camel driver and regularly traveled to Damascus and other cities. But fortune smiled on him. At the age of twenty-five, he married Khadijah, a very wealthy forty-year-old widow.  Khadijah bore Muhammad four daughters and two sons-a remarkable feat for a woman who should have been menopausal.  The sons died in infancy. The couple also adopted Ali, the orphan son of Abu Talib, Muhammad's uncle, and Zayd, a black slave. Ali later married Muhammad's daughter Fatima and eventually became the fourth caliph, or leader, of Islam. When Ali was assassinated in 661, Islam was divided into two segments: the Sunnis, who recognized the legitimacy of the first four caliphs, and the Shi'ites (or "followers of Ali"), who claim that only descendants of Ali may be rightful rulers of the ummah (the community of Muslims).

The Cave and Convulsions

All went well with Muhammad and his elderly bride until611, when, at the age of forty, he decided to spend a few days in meditation and prayer. In a cave three miles from Mecca, the pivotal moment in the history of Islam occurred. Muhammad beheld a vision, which he related to Mohammad Ibn Ishaq, his chief biographer:

While I was asleep, with a coverlet of silk brocade whereon was some writing, the angel Gabriel appeared to me and said, "Read!" 1 said, "I do not read." He pressed me with the coverlet so tightly that 1 thought 1 was near death. Then he let me go and said, "Read!" So I read aloud. And he departed from me at last. And 1 awoke from my sleep, and' it was as though these words were written on my heart. I heard a voice from heaven saying, "O Muhammad, you are a messenger of Allah, and I am Gabriel.”

Since the encounter was both violent and accompanied by convulsions that sent him into unconsciousness, Muhammad was unsure of the source of his vision. He feared that he might be possessed by the jinn (demons) that commonly inhabited the souls of Arab soothsayers. When he returned home, he experienced more and more visions that served to assure him of his calling as a prophet. Often he fell to the ground in a swoon. His fits were accompanied by a sound like the ringing of a bell that caused his entire body to tremble so uncontrollably that he begged Khadijah to cover him with a cloak and to cradle him.

His first convert was his wife, Khadijah. His second was his cousin and foster son, Ali. His third was his servant Zayd. And his fourth was his kinsman Abu Bakr, a prominent Quraish chieftain who eventually became the first caliph of Islam. Muhammad's small group of followers called themselves "those devoted to God" (al-muslimun).

Bad for Business

At the Kaaba, Muhammad accosted all merchants, pilgrims, and tribesmen with his doctrine of one god and himself as the true prophet. He spoke of the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, and the need of the people to submit to the will of Allah. Submit was the keyword. Islam in Arabic means submission. For those who refused to comply with this directive, Muhammad possessed little tolerance. When his uncle, Abu Lahab, rejected his message, Muhammad cursed him and his wife in a violent rage of anger: "May the hands of Abu Lahab perish!  May he himself perish! Nothing shall his wealth and gains avail him. He shall be burnt in a flaming fire, and his wife, laden with faggots, shall have a rope offire around her neck!" (Koran 111:1-5).

The merchants in Mecca soon discovered that having the new prophet in the midst of the marketplace was not good for business. The situation grew intolerable until Muhammad and two hundred followers were forced to flee for their lives to Medina on June 22, 622. The flight from Mecca-known as the hajj-marks the official beginning of the Islamic calendar. According to Islamic chronology; AD 632, the year of the Prophet's death, is designated as 10 AH, and the year 2006 (to commemorate the publication of this book) is designated as 1384 AH.

In Medina, Muhammad met with immediate success. A band of tribal warriors accepted him as a messenger from God and pledged loyalty to him. In no time at all, the illiterate camel driver became the ruler and judge of a budding theocracy.

*Pages 46-50

Muhammad: The Bandit
To amass riches for his realm, Muhammad ordered his followers to raid the caravans that traveled from Syria to Mecca. These caravans, usually made up of several thousand camels and their attendants, carried spices, china, silk, myrrh, and gold. 3D When the raids were successful, four-fifths of the spoils went to the raiders and one-fifth went to Muhammad. Booty became an integral part of the new religion. An entire surah (or chapter) of the Koran is devoted to this subject. Muhammad himself participated in dozens of raids in which his followers killed as many of the travelers as possible and stole as much as they could carry.

In 623 Muhammad assembled his band of three hundred bandits to wait in a desert pass for a Quraish caravan en route to Mecca. The rulers of Mecca learned of the raid and sent an army of nine: hundred soldiers to end the exploits of the troublesome prophet. The two forces met at Wadi Bedr, twenty miles from Medina, where Muhammad led his men to a great victory.

Muhammad: The Warrior

After the battle, Muhammad collected the head of Abu Jahl, one of the Quraish chieftains, as a trophy. The other chieftains, even those who pleaded for their lives, were killed. Their bodies were tossed into a pit, save for the body of Umayya, the fattest of the chieftains. Umayya's body, under the heavy armor, had swollen to such an extent under the desert sun that it fell apart when Muhammad's men tried to move it. The scene filled the Prophet with great exaltation. Before covering the pit, he addressed the dead bodies, "O people of the pit, have you found what God threatened is true? For I have found that what my Lord promised me is true."

Muhammad returned with his triumphant troops to Medina. The victors had captured 150 camels, 10 horses, a considerable amount of merchandise, and 70 Meccans, who were ransomed for 1,000 to 4,000 dirams apiece. The prophet was now a force to be feared.

Bedr was neither Muhammad's first foray into battle nor his last. At the battle of Uhud, he lost his two front teeth, which are now on display in Istanbul.  Though toothless, the Prophet still managed to drive his spear through the neck of Ubayy ibn Khalaf, a Quraish chieftain. Islamic scholars say that the Prophet personally attended twenty-seven battles and fought in eight of them.

Muhammad: The Assassin

As the ruler of Medina, Muhammad demanded complete loyalty and utter submission from his subjects. This was evidenced by his response to critics. Abu Afak, an old man of a hundred years who had converted to Judaism, made the mistake of penning a satire about the Prophet's proclivity to divide all of creation between what is "forbidden" and what is "permitted." Muhammad was not amused by the work. He sent a servant to forever silence the old satirist as he lay sleeping in a courtyard.

When Asma, a Medinese poet, wrote some unflattering lines about Muhammad, the Prophet summoned his followers and asked, "Who will rid me of Marwan's daughter [Asma]?" A dutiful servant named Umayr raised his hand and made his way to Asma's house in the dead of the night. Umayr plunged his dagger so deeply within the breast of the poetess that her body was nailed to the sleeping couch.  In the mosque the next morning, Umayr told the Prophet what he had done and asked if there would be any evil consequences. "None," Muhammad replied, "a few goats will hardly knock their heads together because of it."

Then there was the case of Kab bin aI-Ashraf, the son of a Jewess, who composed "amatory verses of an insulting nature about Muslim women."Muhammad asked, "Who will rid me of the poet?" Mohammad bin Musalama asked permission to deceive the poet into walking into an ambush. "O apostle of God," Musalama pointed out, "we shall have to tell lies." Muhammad replied, "Say what you like, for you are free in this matter. "Musalama duped the poet into taking a late-night stroll into the desert where a group of assassins awaited. The poet was hacked to pieces and emasculated.

Following the death of Kab, Muhammad issued the blanket command, "Kill any Jew that falls into your power."The first victim of this pronouncement was Ibn Sunayna, a Jewish merchant who had neither written a word nor committed a transgression. The murderer, Muhayissa, was rebuked by his brother, Huwayyisa, who was not yet a Muslim, for killing an innocent man in cold blood. "By God," Huwayyisa complained, "if Muhammad had ordered you to kill me, would you have killed me?" "Yes, by God," Muhayissa responded, "had he ordered me to cut off your head, I would have done so." Huwayyisa exclaimed, "By God, a religion which brings you to this is marvelous! "Huwayyisa immediately became a believer, thereby crystallizing proof that bloodshed (or the threat of bloodshed) would spread the new faith.

Muhammad and the Jewish Question

The situation with the Jews in Medina worsened until a Muslim woman ventured into a shop in the bazaar of the Qaynqa and Nudair Jewish tribes. When the woman sat in a shop, a Jewish prankster managed to sneak behind her in order to pin her skirt to her upper blouse. When she rose to leave, her bodice and skirt ripped open to expose her breasts and derriere while the prankster and his cronies howled with delight. It was an outrageous joke. But a Muslim slew the offending Jew, whose brothers slew the Muslim. As a result, a riot broke out in the city. Muhammad assembled his troops, rounded up the Qaynqa and Nudair Jews, and ordered them to depart from the city and to leave all their possessions behind.

Muhammad and Genocide

A third tribe of Jews--the Bani Qurayza--remained in Medina. Later they were accused of providing aid to Muhammad's enemies in Mecca. The Prophet reacted to this accusation by blockading the Bani Qurayza in their quarter of the city and denying them access to food supplies for twenty-five days. The leaders of the Jewish tribe expressed their willingness to surrender under the same terms that had been granted to the Qaynqa and Nudair Jews, namely, the relinquishment of their belongings and safe departure to another city.

Muhammad refused these terms. Instead, he appointed Saad Muadh, one of his most corpulent followers, to act as the arbiter who would decide the fate of the Jews. Muadh ruled that the Jewish men should be beheaded, that the women and children should be sold into slavery, and that all the property of the Jews should be divided among the Muslims. Muhammad accepted the wisdom of this ruling. Nine hundred Jews, according to one account, were beheaded. Another account estimates the figure to have been seven hundred. The carnage started in the morning, went on all day, and continued by torchlight into the night. While the heads were rolling, Muhammad was enjoying the sexual favors of Reihana, the widow of one of the victims, who had been set aside for his pleasure.4s Trenches were dug around the city for the disposal of the bodies.

The Muslims wanted to have sex with their female Jewish captives. But this did not seem fitting to the Prophet, who had decided that the women should be sold as slaves and not kept as concubines. After much begging and pleading, he relented and ruled that his men could have intercourse with the hapless captives as long as they employed the practice of azl, that is, withdrawal before ejaculation.

The slaughter of the Bani Qurayza Jews proved to be extremely profitable. In addition to the revenue for the slaves, the spoils of the pogrom included a rich haul of livestock (camels, goats, sheep, and horses), houses, furniture, jewelry, and money. The Muslims also took from the bodies of the slain Jews a large number of weapons, including fifteen hundred swords and scimitars, an equal number of shields, a thousand spears, and three hundred coats of mail. Muhammad took his customary one-fifth, thereby becoming the wealthiest chieftain in the Arab world.

While they remained in Medina, the Muslims continued to raid caravans and other tribes. On one raid, the Wadil-Qura tribe defeated them. After licking their wounds, the Muslims returned to Wadil-Qura to rout the tribe, sack and pillage the village, and to haul off the survivors as slaves. Zayd, one of Muhammad's adopted sons, captured an old woman who had served as a tribal leader. For amusement, she was tied between two camels. The camels were forced to break into a trot until the old woman was ripped in half.  Neither Zayd nor any other Muslims received the slightest censure for their actions.

Similarly; during a raid on Khaybar, a prosperous Jewish tribe, the Muslims demanded from Kinana, the tribal chieftain, the location of a chest of buried treasure. When Kinana claimed not to know anything about a buried treasure, Muhammad ordered, "Torture him until you extract what he has." The Muslims kindled a fire on Kinana's chest "with fleet and steel." When Kinana neared the point of death without providing any information about the treasure, Muhammad decided to have him beheaded by an executioner.  In this way; all was not lost. The Prophet may not have discovered the treasure, but he had another head for his collection.

*Pages 50-51

Mecca: The New Qibla

The expulsion and execution of the Jews from Medina represents a significant development in the history of Islam. The city was now purged of all religious dissidents and became a place free from the de­filement of unbelievers.

Originally, Muhammad made Jerusalem the qibla-the point to which all Muslims must turn for prayer.  But the Jews had ridiculed his interpretation of their scriptures and his claim to be the promised Mes­siah. Muhammad, in turn, accused the Jews of corrupting the teachings of the patriarchs of the Bible, of killing the prophets, and of rejecting the revelation of Allah. In 624 he proclaimed that Mecca, the site of the Kaaba and the sacred stone, represented the new qibla.

Mecca now became the focal point of the new faith. With the aid of nomadic Arab tribes, Muhammad led a series of armed raids on Mecca, and-in 630 he captured the city with no resistance. He declared a gen­eral amnesty for all but a few of his enemies. He destroyed the idols in the Kaaba and proclaimed it a mosque. He spared the Black Stone and sanctioned the practice of kissing it. He also pronounced Mecca to be the holy city of Islam and decreed that no unbeliever should ever set foot on its sacred soil.

The remaining years of the Prophet were spent in triumph as the various Arab tribes became united under the banner of Islam.

Muhammad: Sex Addict

After Muhammad's wife, Khadijah, died in 619, the Prophet amassed eleven wives. He attempted to arrange his schedule around the men­strual cycle of his harem with visits to a different tent on different days and nights of the month. His capacity for sexual congress seemed to be beyond limit. Sahih Bukhari, one of the most revered Islamic sources, states: "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number. I asked Anas, 'Had the Prophet the strength for it?' Anas replied, 'We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty [men]."'

For in-between treats, the Prophet kept several concubines at his disposal, including Reihana, his Jewish captive. In accordance with Is­lamic law, Muhammad's wives and mistresses were obliged to satisfy his sexual needs at any time of the day or night, and the Prophet retained the right to enjoy them "from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet."

*Pages 51-53

Muhammad: Pedophile

All of this may seem well and good, save for the case of Aisha, Muham­tmad's favorite wife. Aisha was the daughter of Abu Bakr, Muhammad's closest friend and most faithful follower. As soon as the Prophet laid Reyes on his friend's daughter, he began dreaming about his union with her. The problem was that Aisha, when Muhammad met her, was a small child of four or five, and he was a middle-aged man of fifty.

Still and all, the Prophet wasted no time in attempting to make his dream a reality. When Aisha turned six, Muhammad asked Abu Bakr for his daughter's hand in marriage. Abu Bakr thought that such a union would be improper-not because Aisha was a mere child but rather be­cause he considered himself Muhammad's brother. The Prophet brushed this objection aside by saying that it was perfectly right in the eyes of Allah for him to marry Aisha. Abu Bakr consented. And Muhammad took the child as his new bride.

When they were married, Muhammad, in his mercy; allowed Aisha to take her toys, including her dolls, with her when she moved into their new tent.  The marriage was consummated when Aisha was nine and Muhammad fifty-three. This is verified by several passages from Sahih Bukhari:

[Narrated Aisha] :The Prophet married her when she was 6 years old and he consummated his marriage when she was 9 years old, and then she remained with him for 9 years [until his death].

Khadijah died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then married Aisha when she was a girl of 6 years of age, and he consummated the marriage when she was 9.

The three-year waiting period before consummation might not have been caused by Muhammad's concern with violating a child but rather by the fact that Aisha contracted some disease, which caused her to lose her hair (which later grew back).

Aisha became Muhammad's favorite sexual partner. Later she was hailed as the "mother of all believers."

Pedophilia was not-only practiced by Muhammad but also sanc­tioned by the Koran. In its discussion of the waiting period required to determine if a wife is pregnant before divorce, the Koran says, "If you are in doubt concerning those of your wives who have ceased menstru­ating, know that th_ir waiting period shall be three months. The same shall apply to those who have not yet menstruated" (65:4). In case any­one should think that Muslims have abandoned this practice, one need only turn to Ayatollah Khomeini, the most famous Islamic cleric of the twentieth century; who writes:

A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. How­ever, he should not penetrate; sodomizing the child is OK. If the man penetrates and damages the child, then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister. . . . It is better for a girl to marry in such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband's house rather than her father's house. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven.

The Prophet's Parting Words

At the age of fifty-eight, Muhammad's health began to fail. He experi­enced high fevers and suffered states of delirium. In the middle of the night, he often would leave his house, visit a graveyard, pray aloud to the deceased, and congratulate them on being dead.

By age sixty-three, the fevers left him in a state of almost complete enervation. Three days before his death, Muhammad rose from his deathbed, visited the mosque, and saw Abu Bakr leading prayers in his stead. His parting words to his followers were "to drive the unbelievers from the Arabian Peninsula.”

*These excerpts are taken from a book called  "The Dunces of Doomsday" by Paul L. Williams.

  The actual book has footnotes all the way through the text from 51 different resources but the numbers have been removed to avoid confusion.  If you would like to see the book for yourself  it can be purchased and read in it's entirety at