(Part One)
In Christ's Image Weekly Message
December 14, 2001
Pastor Francis Frangipane

Hardly a day passes when I do not receive via email, newsletter or postal
carrier a warning concerning Islam. The most common fear has to do with
the apparent homogenization of religions in America. We know our President
is a sincere Christian, but why are Muslims having dinner with him at the
White House? Christians are concerned that the glorious atonement of Jesus
Christ will be compromised and a false unity arise, one that sacrifices
truth on the altar of tolerance.

I, too, grieved as I watched network television and heard mullahs praying
to Allah at memorials. I was especially offended that, while America was
still reeling from the atrocities committed by radical Muslims, so called
moderate Muslims manipulated our conciliatory invitations, and then
brazenly "witnessed" for Mohammed in public meetings. I knew that behind
the eyes of "sympathetic" Muslim clerics was a vision of an Islamic

While there are, indeed, many honorable people who are Muslims, we have
discovered one summary truth about Islam: within its precepts a spirit of
terror abides. It not only seeks to terrorize the non-Muslim world and
bring it into submission to Allah, it holds the souls of Muslims in the
grip of terror as well. Consider: Of the thirty or so wars that are
currently being waged worldwide, twenty-eight involve Muslims. In most
Muslim nations, conversion from Islam is a crime punishable by torture and
death. Thus, terror keeps the Muslim soul closed and unable to objectively
examine the true nature of Islam. This spirit of terror holds even
moderate Islamic governments hostage, where leaders fear the violent
reprisals of radical fundamentalists.

Consider also that, for the sincere Muslim, there exists no sacrifice, no
atonement for sins; no one in Islam can rely upon a Savior's righteousness
to obtain peace with God. Islam offers only one way of assured acceptance
into the afterlife, and that is to die fighting in a Jihad (holy war).
This demonic doctrine of using deception and fear to create suicide
warriors is a most insidious manipulation of the human soul! What an
offense to the true character of God, Who does not ask us to sacrifice our
sons, but instead gave His Son for our peace!

I greatly appreciated that, in the face of terrorist threats (and
pressured appeals from Muslim rulers) President Bush boldly committed our
nation to war against terrorism. The extremists had been using fear and
violence as their chief weapons, and they had been advancing literally
unstopped throughout the world. Yet, my applause is not merely because the
non-Muslim world will be safer, but because I perceive that God desires to
confront this spirit of terror in order to release grace to the Muslim
world. He is seeking to rescue the generations of Ishmael from the terror
of Islam.

I fully agree that America and the West is in great need of repentance.
However, September 11 was not merely about God judging America for its
sins. The Most High was seeking to awaken America (and our allies) to
break the control terrorism has in Islam and thus use this war to open the
Muslim world to the gospel. You may question my reasoning, but a simple
review of the last 60 years will give insight into the Lord's will for the

Let's return to the world of 1937: International tensions had erupted into
a number of undeclared wars and conflicts; multitudes were overwhelmed
with inconsolable human carnage and suffering. The Japanese, deluded that
they were a superior race, attacked China, slaughtering 200,000 Chinese in
Nanking alone in December. As the war in the Far East progressed, in 1939,
Hitler, also deluded with illusions of racial superiority, released its
"blitzkrieg" war against Poland. Over one million Poles died in the first
two years; tens of thousands of Polish Jews were forced to dig their own
graves before being murdered. At the same time, the Soviets attacked
eastern Poland, then Finland and the Balkans. The Nazis turned their
attention toward their southwestern frontier, overwhelming Holland,
Belgium, Luxembourg and France. Denmark and Norway soon surrendered
on the northern front.

We have been outraged and traumatized by the sudden death of several
thousand on September 11, but by mid 1941 several million people had
suffered horrible deaths as a result of war! In Europe, only the United
Kingdom was able to stand under the relentless pounding of the German
Luftwaffa, yet over 60,000 people died from the bombing in London alone.
Through all this human suffering -- in spite of the great worldwide
heartache that filled heaven with tears -- America remained neutral.

Then, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. America's
anger exploded into resolve. A destiny was born in the USA on that day.
America went to war against tyranny and worldwide injustice. Yet, we did
not seek to conquer, but to liberate -- to set nations free. After WWII
God opened the world for the harvest like no other time in history.
Literally millions came to Christ.

However, America's job was not done. Two superpowers remained: the U.S.
and the Soviet Union. The Soviets, like the Nazis and Japanese
Imperialists before them, were bent on world domination. In opposition
were the freedom loving people of democratic societies with America as the
leading nation. The Soviets were atheists; the Americans were primarily
Christians. Throughout the long and terrible drama of the Cold War, no one
really thought that God actually loved the Russian peoples and desired to
liberate them from tyranny. Christian writers, prophets and theologians
wrote volumes about the end of the world, each predicting with finality
that godless Russia would descend upon Israel. Yet, it didn't happen.
Instead, God used the USA to resist this totalitarian empire and, after
decades of struggle, overnight it crumbled. Today, tens of millions of sou
ls have come into the kingdom of God from these former Soviet nations.

Let me also remind you, beloved, that there was nothing overtly spiritual
about America in 1941, and no revival was going on in the U.S. when
Russia fell. America simply was a very imperfect, somewhat Christian
nation. Just as the Lord needed the U.S. to stand against Japan and
Germany, so God needed America to open the USSR for harvest. Now He
needs this nation to lead again against the demonic nightmare of a world
ruled by Islam.

Remember, Jesus said, "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the
whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end shall
come" (Matt 24:14). Jesus said the gospel must be preached in the whole
world, "AND THEN the end shall come." The proclamation of the gospel
precedes the time of judgment. We are in the season of the harvest.

Beloved, consider also that it was on December 25, 1991, that Gorbachev
resigned as leader of the Soviet Union. The next day the Russian
government took over the offices of the USSR. Don't miss this: The very
day we celebrate Jesus' birth is the day communism officially died! We
don't follow signs, but this one stands right in the middle of the road to
the future. Since the fall of the USSR, more people have come to Christ
than the sum of all those converted since the first century!

Just as Nazism, Japanese Imperialism and Soviet communism were
totalitarian governments bent on world domination, so is Islam. Before
the Soviets fell, what they called "glasnost" began softening their
society. Glasnost meant "openness." This is what God used America to
provide: openness. And this is what He seeks to create again among Islamic
people. He desires that Muslims too would be able to think honestly and
freely for themselves.

Next week we will discuss praying for those trapped in Islam as well as a
testimony that occurred while I was in the Philippines. For now, let us be
humble, yet confident concerning the days in which we find ourselves. We
are called to be a house of prayer for all nations. Let us intercede,
therefore, that the spirit of terrorism in Islam will be crushed and that
the gospel will be preached openly and powerfully throughout the Muslim

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For further information about God's plan for America, please read
"America at the Threshold of Destiny," available at a special price of
$6.50 (U.S. shipping included).

You may send your order, along with check or money order, to Arrow
Publications, PO Box 10102, Cedar Rapids, IA 52410. To order by credit
card, call toll free 1-877-363-6889 or email Daniel at Please be sure to mention that this is in response
to the weekly message. For international orders, email Daniel
[] for current shipping rates. Thank you!

Francis' tapings for the Benny Hinn Ministries show, This is Your Day,
will air Dec. 17 & 18.

Francis and the Staff at In Christ's Image would love to hear from you. We
really appreciate your comments. Please feel free to write us anytime at

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God bless you!