Strident Calls
April 22nd, 2008
through Priscilla Van Sutphin

: characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound <a strident voice>; also
: commanding attention by a loud or obtrusive quality <strident slogans>
synonyms see LOUD, VOCIFEROUS

“ I hear many of My children calling out loudly for the Kingdom to come, for healing, for justice.  I tell you, that I will not ignore such desperation !  I know all the details of the very intricacies of your life.  I am not a harsh taskmaster.  The one who is the harsh taskmaster is the one trying to steal destinies. I AM going to RESTORE many destinies and advance many who have been held back.  Many of you have been in a “holding pattern” as an airplane in the sky, waiting on My orders.

I tell you that I am releasing you soon.  Destiny is at the door. FIRES are being ignited across the earth !  Glory is soon coming, and the fire is preparing you for My glory. Look up for your Redeemer draws nigh !  I am a God close at hand !  Draw NEARER beloveds, and open your hearts wide, for I am filling them !  Worship ME in the beauty of holiness, and know that your day to SHINE is at hand.  Listen for My direction.  OIL is being poured out, and NEW WINE.

Though when the enemy sees what I am doing there will be MORE warfare, KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME.  Though he hisses and snarls, he is a crushed foe !  I will give you such a fire that every yoke, and every chain will be broken. I’ve told you it was coming.  Now it will pour forth in abundance upon the land. For I have heard My intercessors in America !  I have heard their sincere pleas and collected their tears in bottles.  I know that there is a remnant who truly love ME, and I will not allow their prayers to fall to the ground.  Many need more healing, and I am ARISING WITH HEALING IN MY WINGS to subdue the enemy’s strongholds and and remove the curse off the land.

Those who oppose Me will find themselves overtaken by ME. The OIL of JOY will so flood this nation, that people who have been so heavy laden and burdened with sin will see such marvelous deliverances, they will gladly pour blessings on you.  Where there has been greed and avarice in pulpits, there will be a new company of leaders that will demonstrate the opposite spirit, and give and give and give !  There will be no more merchandizing in My temples !

TRUTH and LOVE will prevail. Justice will have it’s satisfaction.  SHAKINGS will be extraordinary, but so will RESTORATIONS.  Witches & warlocks will repent, and turn
and see that the LORD is indeed GOOD !  As I touch you, I will release more boldness, for it is your TESTIMONY that will alter the course of events.  As you speak it forth and testify to My goodness and the truth of My WORD, I will do signs and wonders and release those imprisoned by the enemy.

CRY out for your loved ones. BE BOLD and COURAGEOUS !  BE STRONG in the power of MY MIGHT !  Speak with CONFIDENCE about Your LORD.  I am releasing the treasury of heaven upon the earth in this hour.  You will be kept by MY SPIRIT until I catch you up.  Come beloveds, away with ME, let me heal those last vestiges of darkness in your hearts and minds, and quiet yourself to hear My voice.  There is so much busyness. You must rest in me and be quiet to hear.

Isa 30:15 NKJV For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel:
"In returning and rest you shall be saved;In quietness and confidence shall
be your strength." But you would not,