Submarine Dream
Priscilla Van Sutphin

I had this dream many years ago now…but had not published it that I remember:

I and many other women were boarding a huge submarine.
We all had our baggage with us, and when we got to the quarters there were 4 bunks to a room, and not much space, so we had to get rid of some stuff.
Then almost as soon as we got settled and used to that, we were moved to another space, and it was even smaller.  Then it happened again and again, till we had hardly any baggage left.  Then there were many of us put in this compartment that seemed to be in the bottom of the sub, and the walls and ceiling were made of a rubbery material, like what is used for life boats.  Suddenly water began to come in filling up the compartment and some women were panicking.  I took a large knife I somehow had, and cut a huge slit in the ceiling as a means to try to get out, but instead, MORE WATER CAME.  But this time, at the same time
A portal opened on the side which let some of the water out, and there was this really long
Tube also made of that material only more clingy.  We were able to one by one, enter it and wriggle down the tube.  It felt more like a womb.  As we got closer to the end of the tube, we were SHOT OUT into the open sea !

Women often represent the church, and in reflecting on this again today while praying with a friend,  I thought at first it was referring to women specifically, older & younger single women.  And I don’t doubt that is why the Lord was showing it to me, as He has put on my heart to in future care for older women prophets, and to have a school of prophets for the younger women so they can be healed and nurtured by the elder women.  But it also stands for the CHURCH, in it’s many different streams.  There is a remnant in all of the church. Yes , even the Catholic church, who really love Jesus and are called to nations.

The baggage is our emotional baggage, and spiritual baggage, the things that hold us down and back.  Steadily God is removing all of that to prepare us for a birthing.
That is why the tube was like a womb.  He is birthing Christ in us, the Hope of GLORY.

The Water is a Holy Spirit flood, and He told me in ’89 that people would FEAR because of the flood of people that will overwhelm the church when He does what He is about to do.
But we are NOT to fear, but be VERY dependent on HIM.

I cut a hole in the roof of the room, and it let in more water.  The PROPHETS are to be USING THE SWORD OF THE WORD to speak forth things that will GIVE LIFE to the DRY BONES, and through doing that, the door will open that will lead many out of bondage and from all hindrances to their going forth into the SEA OF PEOPLES.

I was getting confirmation this week while praying for someone that that time is NOW.
I feel we are to have a forum for prayer that does this with seasoned warriors who will
Pray for one another and help each other in destroying the bands/chains of the enemy who has been used to temper us, but who for many is now HINDERING us best he can, though nothing can stop what GOD wants to do.  We need to be interdependent and pray for one another, with honesty and compassion to bring forth the end times company.



Also today while praying with Brenda, we were coming against the roots of freemasonry in America, asking God to take an axe to them, and I saw a vision of a huge axe, coming down on the stature of LIBERTY.  I took that as an answer to the prayer we were praying.
The statue of Liberty can stand for other things, but to me, it is a symbol of freemasonry, as it was dedicated to the freemasons here from those in France when given.  I praise the Lord that HE will do this also in the church, to expose the hidden things of darkness in leadership and cause conviction to fall, that leaders in the church will REPENT from mixing it with Christianity.  There is NO POSSIBLE mix the rituals are full of idolatry and witchcraft.  Continue to pray for this issue, as I feel it is KEY in turning America around, as these roots go back to the very beginnings of America and Francis Bacon who sent men from secret societies here to build what they thought would be a utopian society.
If you want to learn more on this, there are two DVD’s available from Cutting Edge Ministries on this topic.    Just do search and type in freemasonry.  It’s about half way down the page and called
Secrets of America’s Beginnings: THE NEW ATLANTIS