Teachings by Pris

The Spirit of Depression 6/2/23

1 John Amplified with Comments
2 Peter 1:2-7 amplified with comments
Ahab, Jezebel and Elijah
ANSWER to Where is Witchcraft in the Church ?
Angel of the Lord - Pris
Angelic Activity Around the Birth of Messiah
Ask for the Fear of the Lord
Apostolic Covenant
Apostolic Intercession
As in the Days of Joshua

Believe or Receive, Healing & Grace
Better to Obey God
Bitter Waters - Bitterness
The Blood Scriptures
Bond of Unity & the Day of His Vengeance
The Bride of Christ - JEWELS IN HIS CROWN
The Bride Adorned
Building Babel in Our Hearts
By the Book - Carrying our Cross

Cain's Curse
Cases of Idolatry & Counterfeit Religion: Tribe of Dan
Chords of Love
Christ Our Challah
The Coming Glory - compilation of prophecies from 1998-2013
Comments on Zechariah 5
Compassion Utube
Compassion & Travail - now in Kindle
Covetousness vs Contentment - Scriptures

Deaf n Dumb Spirits
Deer Vision
Devils, Real or Imagined?
Divination or Divine ? Discerning the False from the True in Prophecy
Doctrine of Suffering
Does Doctrine Matter
Doubt - definition, scriptures, prayer

Eat the Honey
Elisha's Miracles (new)
Epistles of John - Part 1
Ezekial 47 - Victory Through Praise

Faith Scriptures w comments
Familiar Spirits
Food You Know Not Of
Forgiveness, Sanctification & Healing
Galatians 2 amplified w/comments
Galatians 3 amplified w/comments
Gifts of the Spirit in the Eartly Church Part 1 [video]
Part 2
The GIFT of PROPHECY - [ work in progress]
Genesis_ A lesson in Right Relationship with God
Gideons - Type of the End Times Army
God is Cleaning His Garden
God of Diversity: The Divine Counter to Methods, Programs & Other forms of Madness In the Church Today
God's Grace to Lot
God's Heart on Healing
Grace: Definitions
Grace & Freedom
Grace Matt 17:24-27 - The Sons Are Free
The Great Architect

Habbakuk with Commentary
Hannah, Eli & Sons
Healing Proclamations
Help my Unbelief
Higher Places
How can I have a better prayer life ?
How Much Do We Love the TRUTH ?
How Much FAITH Does it Take [to get healing]?
How Much Mercy Do You Want ?
If You Feed the Birds, Squirrels Will Come
Inhibited Worship - Witchcraft in the Church
In That Day - part 1
In That Day - part 2
Irresponsible Shepherds: Ezek.34
I Sometimes Make the Stakes Higher

Jael:Warrioress for God
Jeremiah vs Hananiah: Lessons on false prophecy
Jezebel Never Apologizes
Jonathon & the Honey
JOY-The Strength of the Believer
Justice - Key to Power in the Spirit [scrips]
Light and Dark
Light of the World - Scriptures w/comments
Life in Jesus -Scriptures
The Lord's Garden: What Kind of Tree Are You?
Love That Leads to Repentance
Loving the Truth

Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
Medusa the Destroyer in the Church
Murder in Our Hearts
Murderous Religious Spirits
The Narcissistic Tuning of America
No one is Good Except God Only
Number Symbolism - chart
The Offscouring
The Olive and the Wild Olive Trees - Symbolism
Overcoming Anger prayers & Scriptures
Overcoming Deaf & Dumb Spirits
Overcoming Defeatism
Overcoming Defensive Pride
Overcoming Fear Prayers
Overcoming Idolatry to Man
Overcoming Jealousy Prayers
Overcoming Self Pity
Overcoming Unsanctified Mercy: & the Harsh Words of Jesus

Pentacost & Sunday celebration
Perfect or Perfectionism?
Performance Mentality
Perversion - Scrips
Perversion, Prayers against
Pharisaical Expressions
Philippians- Amplified with a few comments
Plight of the Pharisees
Power and the Glory
Power Belongs to GOD_Scrips

Pray, Don't Curse or Analyze
Prayers for Restoration of Our Nation
Prayers to Overcome Anger
Prayers to Overcome Deception
Prayers to Overcome Intimidation
Prayers to Overcome Jealousy
Prayers to Overcome Fear
Prayers to Overcome Pride
Prayers to Overcome Rejection
Prayers Against Witchcraft
See Prayer & Revival Page for more on prayers

Pride vs Humility
Put on the Garment of Praise for the Spirit of Heaviness
Putting On Love
Racism & Violence
Religious Spirits & the Mind Control Game
The Revived Roman Empire?
Rewards of the Wicked - scriptures
Sampson & The Foxes

Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego
Social Justice is God's Idea - Scrips
Speaking in Tongues - Sticky Arguments
Speaking Things That Are Not As Though They Were: a Message for Women Who Who Have Been Wounded by Men
The Spirit of Burning Comes to Cleanse
Stars, Thrones, Dominions & Spiritual Wickedness
Stepping on the Hands of the Women
Suffering, Persecution & Affliction Scriptures
Suspicion - Fruit of Jealousy & Fear
Stars & Signs in the Heavens

Table of Showbread
Taming the Tongue
Tares vs Wheat
Teaching Right From Wrong
The Floating Ax-head 5/23/04
The God of Jeshurun 6/2/04
The Ten Horns Hate the HARLOT Church
The Tyranny of the SELFS - Ruth Paxon
Though I Speak with the Tongue of Men or Angels
To the Davids -5/03
True Worship
Truth Scriptures to Pray Against Deception & for Love of the Truth

We Wrestle & We Wrestle Not
When I Return, Will I Find Faith on Earth?
Witchcraft in Believers?
The Woes of God - Scriptures, comments
Worms in Our Meat - BOOK
Wrath of God - Scriptures
Zechariah 10: RESTORATION 12/16/09
Zephaniah - Comments

Other Teachings
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Articles by Titles C - F
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